Is this Java Exploit a real or hyped threat?
At the present time, Thirtyseven4 has confirmed the reports that a new Java security bypass zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2013-0422: January Zero-Day 2013 Exploit) has been actively exploited in-the-wild. The vulnerability poses a serious risk to all users with Java 7 Update 10 and earlier.
What can I do to safeguard my system against this Java vulnerability?
Given Oracle's past and present slow response times in issuing critical patches and Java being widely exploited by cybercriminals, we recommend that users Disable the Java Browser Plug-in or Uninstall Java completely.
How can I uninstall Java that?
To uninstall Java, simply visit your Control Panel > Programs: Uninstall a program > select your Java version > and click 'Uninstall'.

Disabling the Java Browser Plug-in will depend on the browser you're utilizing.
For example in Internet Explorer > go to Tools (on Menu bar) > Manage Add-on's > Add-on Type's: Toolbars and extensions > Show: All add-ons > select the Java add-on's and click the Disable button.

How do I know if I successfully uninstalled Java?
You can visit and click on the "Do I have Java?" link.
How do I know if I can uninstall Java without interfering with other programs, etc?
Chances are if you (a) aren't sure what Java version you have installed or (b) aren't sure if you need Java for daily operations, then you most likely have no need for having Java installed.
More details on the Java vulnerability are available here: