Thirtyseven4 Antivirus | AntiMalware | AntiRootkit | AntiSpyware
Thirtyseven4 Antivirus | AntiMalware | AntiRootkit | AntiSpyware
Thirtyseven4 Antivirus | AntiMalware | AntiRootkit | AntiSpyware
Thirtyseven4 Antivirus | AntiMalware | AntiRootkit | AntiSpyware


Thirtyseven4 Antivirus 2013 Upgrading Instructions

Before you begin:
Users electing (upgrading is not mandatory) to upgrade from their existing version of Thirtyseven4 Antivirus to version 14 of Thirtyseven4 Antivirus must first uninstall the old 13 version (or below) prior to installing the newer version.  Before proceeding with the uninstallation, ensure that all other running programs are closed. To uninstall Thirtyseven4 Antivirus, administrative privilege is required.

Please make sure you remember the Product Key and Activation Number from the About > License Details section. You will need these items to activate the new version after you uninstall your existing build.

Please know you can always take advantage of our Thirtyseven4 Antivirus Manual and our Knowledge Base articles for additional upgrading tips and procedures

Upgrading procedure:

Removing Thiryseven4 Antivirus v.13 or below:

1. To uninstall your existing version of Thirtyseven4 Antivirus, click Start -> Programs -> Thirtyseven4 Antivirus -> Uninstall Thirtyseven4 Antivirus to initiate the uninstallation process.

2. Thirtyseven4 Uninstaller will prompt for the deletion of Reports, Quarantine and Backup files. Make sure all three options are checked. Click OK.

3. A dialog will be displayed showing your Product Key information for your copy. You are requested to note down your Product key at it will be needed to reinstall and reactivate the new Thirtyseven4 Antivirus v.14.

4. The uninstall wizard will prompt you to restart your system for changes to take effect.

Installing Thirtyseven4 Antivirus v.14:

1. Determine the Windows Operating System and download the proper file.

On Windows XP Operating Systems:
Right click on the My Computer icon, go to Properties in the drop down window. In the General tab of the System Properties window, if x64 is mentioned before Edition, then your operating system is a 64-bit operating system else it is a 32-bit operating system.
On Windows Vista and Windows 7 Operating Systems:
Go to Control Panel > System and Security > System. Look at the System type under System.
Windows 2000 Professional systems are only available in 32-bit architecture.

If the System type is 32-bit Operating System then download the file: to your computer.

If the System type is 64-bit Operating System then download the file: to your computer.

2. Click on the link to download the file. Once downloaded, click on the downloaded file to start the install.  The installation will scan memory for viruses prior to loading on to your machine. You must choose 'I Agree' to continue with the installation.

3. Re-activation will be required. After choosing the Re-activate the copy option and providing the Product key click Next. This will conclude the install and start the updates of the antivirus database.


Thirtyseven4 - Industry Leading Endpoint Security Solution

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4